Our products
Whey protein isolate
Whey protein isolate: Ideal for sports nutrition
WPI has a high protein content (90% on dry matter) making it an ideal ingredient for sports nutrition products. As an excellent source of essential amino acids, including branched-chain amino–acids, it offers all the benefits of whey proteins, including optimal nutritional intake.
WPI’s amino acid profile supports sports training by helping athletes regenerate muscle mass before and after exercise. It also has a high digestibility and is low in fat, making it ideal for balanced products for controlled diets. It is therefore suitable not only for serious athletes seeking a performance boost, but also for mainstream consumers who simply want to live more healthily.
WPI: A high-specification manufacturing process
EuriNutri™ 90 WPI, Whey Protein Isolate is extracted from high–quality sweet whey. Using the latest membrane separation technology, the whey protein is highly concentrated, resulting in the purest possible powder. This state-of-the-art extraction process is the hallmark of Eurial I&N WPIs, which reach a protein content (dry extract) of 90%. They are also very low in lactose and residual fat, making them the ideal ingredient for sports nutrition regimes requiring minimal sugar intake.
Quality and traceability guaranteed for our whey protein isolate
Eurial I&N is an expert in specialty ingredients and a specialist in whey proteins for nutrition markets. Furthermore, as part of a co–operative, we control our dairy supply chain from A to Z, giving us access to high-quality raw materials and allowing us to offer a complete range of proteins from milk and whey.
Our whey production process in particular allows us to guarantee perfect traceability, quality and consistent composition. We use the latest extraction processes to ensure we respect the raw materials we use, denaturing them as little as possible, and preserving their functional and nutritional properties.
EuriNutri™ 90 WPI is a benchmark ingredient in our range, offering the highest protein content and meeting the strictest microbiological requirements. Every step of the EuriNutri™ 90 WPI manufacturing process is specifically designed to guarantee high microbiological quality, and constant monitoring and rigorous analyses allow us to achieve the most demanding specifications in the nutrition industry.
Find out more by contacting our R&D team.